Temperature Programmed Desorption
TPD (also known as TDS or TPR) involves heating a sample while contained in a vacuum and simultaneously detecting the residual gas in the vacuum by means of a mass analyser. As the temperature rises, certain absorbed species will have enough energy to escape and will be detected as a rise in pressure for a certain mass. The TPD unit is used in the Thermal Characterisation of Catalysts (TPD) and for monitoring of on-site Temperature Programmed Reactions (TPR).
The Mayura Analytical TPD unit is the first of its kind that is wholly manufactured in India. It is a highly efficient and economical model at a fraction of the cost of its nearest competitor. With a large temperature range of up to 10000C, our TPD unit is sought after by many research institutions.
Sample applications:
Used in Thermal characterization of catalyst (TPD)
On-site Temperature Programmed Reactions (TPR)
Built-in Direction control of input gas (carrier) and sample gas
Pulsed (fixed volume) adsorption of known volume until saturation, and
Six port sampling valve to control the input sample gas volume for quantitation.
Continuous sample loading until saturation
Computer Controlled / Programmable furnace
Temperature Range : Ambient to 800°C
Extendable to 1000°C
Temperature Ramping from 1°C/min. to 10°C/min.
Very low dead volume
Quartz catalyst tubing for non-reactive surface
Four filament Thermal Conductivity Detector
Flow In-Out reference cell for compensation
Amplification unit for signal output monitoring
Data Acquisition unit for desorption curve recording and data interpretation
Carrier gas control with pressure regulator and pressure gauge
Sample gas control with pressure regulator, gauge and flow control valve
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